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Save the Koala Day 2024—10 Fascinating, “Koala"-ty Facts You Never Knew About Koalas and How You Can Help Save Them

12:00am & Tips and Advice

Koalas are one of Australia’s most iconic animals, but did you know their populations are facing serious threats?

That’s where Save the Koala Day comes in! This special day is all about raising awareness and taking action to protect these lovable marsupials and their natural habitats.

Whether you’re a lifelong koala enthusiast or just curious to learn more, this blog will introduce you to 10 fascinating, “koala”-ty facts you probably never knew and show you exactly how you can help ensure these cuddly creatures continue to thrive for generations to come!

What is Save the Koala Day?

Save the Koala Day is an annual event held on the last Friday of September, dedicated to raising awareness about the conservation of koalas and their natural habitat in Australia.

Organised by the Australian Koala Foundation (AKF), the day focuses on educating the public about the threats koalas face, including habitat destruction, disease, and climate change, while also promoting efforts to protect them.

It serves as a grave reminder that koalas are a vital part of Australia's ecosystem and heritage, and without active conservation efforts, they could face extinction.

When is Save the Koala Day?

This year, Save the Koala Day falls on Friday, 27 September.

Fun and Fascinating Facts You Never Knew About Koalas

1. Koalas Aren’t Actually Bears—They're Marsupials!

Despite often being called “koala bears,” these adorable animals aren’t bears at all! Koalas are actually marsupials, meaning they carry their babies in a pouch, just like kangaroos. So, while they might look like cuddly teddy bears, they’re part of a whole different family tree!

2. The Name “Koala” Comes from an Aboriginal Word Meaning “No Water”

The name “koala” has a special meaning—it comes from an Aboriginal word that translates to “no water.” These fuzzy little creatures get almost all their hydration from the eucalyptus leaves they munch on all day, so they rarely need to drink! Talk about a clever way to stay hydrated!

3. Koalas Are Extremely Picky Eaters, Only Eating Fewer Than 50 of Over 700 Eucalypt Species

Koalas are the food critics of the animal world! Out of over 700 eucalyptus species, these gastronomical gourmets will only nibble on fewer than 50. Talk about being picky! But, hey, when you’ve got such a sophisticated palate, why settle for anything less than the tastiest and most nutritious eucalyptus leaves? These furry connoisseurs know exactly what they like!

4. Koalas’ Fingerprints Are Very Similar to Those of Humans

Believe it or not, koalas have fingerprints that are almost identical to humans! If you were to look closely, you’d see the same loops and whorls on their tiny fingers—And also just like us, each koala’s fingerprint is unique to them. In fact, their unique patterns are so close to human fingerprints that they can confuse crime scene investigators. So, if you ever spot a koala at a crime scene, just remember—They’re not just cute; they’re also pretty clever!

5. Koalas Are Born Prematurely and Continue Developing in Their Mothers’ Pouches

Koalas may be tiny when they’re born, but they’re already on a big adventure! Born prematurely, these little joeys—about the size of a jellybean—arrive in the world deaf, blind, and furless. But don’t worry! They rely on their keen sense of smell and touch, along with an amazing built-in GPS, to make their way to their mother’s pouch where they’ll continue to grow and develop. Safe and snug in their cosy pouch, they stay there for about six months before peeking out at the world!

6. Koalas are Mostly Nocturnal, Often Sleeping Up to 18-20 Hours a Day

Koalas are the ultimate snooze champions, often sleeping a snuggly 18 to 20 hours a day! These sleepyheads are mostly nocturnal, meaning they come alive at night to munch on eucalyptus leaves. So, if you ever catch a glimpse of a koala dozing in a tree, just know they’re recharging for their nighttime snack run! Who wouldn’t want to live that dream?

7. Koalas Are Solitary Animals Who Live in “Home Trees” and “Home Ranges”

Koalas are the ultimate introverts! These solitary cuties prefer to hang out alone, each with their own “home tree” within a larger “home range.” Each koala stakes out its own piece of the forest where it can eat, sleep, and relax in peace. They’re pretty territorial too, so don’t expect them to share their cosy corner of the eucalyptus grove with just anyone!

8. Koalas in the Southern Parts of Australia Are Considerably Larger and Thicker-Furred Than Those in the Northern Parts

Koalas from the south are built for the chill! They’re noticeably larger and have thicker fur compared to their northern cousins, helping them stay warm and cuddly on those chilly nights. Northern koalas, on the other hand, are smaller and sport lighter coats, perfect for the warmer weather. One thing’s for sure though —Despite their differences, their cuteness has no boundaries. No matter where they live, they’re always adorable!

9. Koalas Are the Only Surviving Members of Its Family

Koalas are unique little gems, as they are the only surviving members of their family, formally known as Phascolarctidae! This makes them super special in the animal kingdom, representing a rich history that dates back millions of years. With their adorable faces and quirky personalities, these one-of-a-kind marsupials remind us just how precious biodiversity really is.

10. Koalas Are an Endangered Species

Sadly, koalas are now an endangered species, facing serious threats from habitat loss, climate change, and disease. These lovable marsupials need our help more than ever to protect their homes and ensure future generations can enjoy their cuddly, tree-hugging ways. Let’s do our part to help keep these furry friends safe!

Why Are Koala Populations Rapidly Declining?  

The koala population today is estimated to be between 40,000 and 80,000 individuals, though exact numbers are difficult to determine due to their wide range and the challenges in tracking them.

Devastatingly, over the past few decades, the population has dramatically declined, with some estimates suggesting as much as an 80% reduction in certain regions.

Furthermore, Australia has one of the highest land clearing rates in the world, with a jaw-dropping 80% of koala habitat having already disappeared.

The cause behind this rapid decline in population is because Koalas face several significant threats, including:

Habitat Loss

Deforestation and land clearing for agriculture and urban development have drastically reduced the areas where koalas can live and feed.


Catastrophic bushfires, particularly the devastating ones during the 2019-2020 season, destroyed vast swaths of koala habitat and led to significant loss of life.


Many koalas suffer from diseases like chlamydia, which can cause serious health issues, including infertility.

Climate Change

Changes in climate affect the availability of eucalyptus leaves, which are the primary food source for koalas, and can lead to increased stress and vulnerability.

These factors combined have led to a sharp decline in koala populations, making conservation efforts more critical than ever.

How You Can Help Save the Koalas

1. Support the Koala Protection Act

One of the most impactful ways you can support koala conservation is by advocating for the Koala Protection Act.

This proposed legislation aims to protect koalas and their habitats by enforcing stricter regulations on land clearing, ensuring that vital koala habitats aren’t destroyed by urbanisation or agriculture.

While the act isn't law yet, your voice can help make it a reality! By contacting local representatives, spreading the word, and supporting the Australian Koala Foundation, you can contribute to a future where koalas can thrive in their natural environment, safe from the threats that currently endanger their survival.

2.  Adopt a Koala

Adopting a koala is a wonderful way to make a real difference in the life of these iconic animals!

While you won’t actually be bringing a koala home, you’ll be contributing to the protection and care of a specific koala in the wild through organisations like the Australian Koala Foundation. Your symbolic adoption helps fund habitat restoration, medical treatment, and ongoing conservation efforts.

Plus, many adoption programs come with a cute certificate, updates on your koala, and sometimes even a plush toy to remind you of your new furry friend. It’s a personal, heartwarming way to get involved and know you’re helping koalas thrive!

3. Plant a Tree Online

Did you know you can plant a tree online and help restore koala habitats without even stepping outside of your home?

With just a few clicks, you can make a lasting difference for these beloved animals and the ecosystems they call home.

By supporting organisations that focus on reforestation, like the Australian Koala Foundation, you can contribute to planting trees in areas where koalas desperately need more forest to live, eat, and thrive.

Each tree planted helps rebuild their environment, providing the eucalyptus leaves they rely on for food, and at the end of the day, it’s an easy yet impactful way to directly contribute to koala conservation.

4. Donate to the Australian Koala Foundation

Donating to the Australian Koala Foundation is one of the most direct and meaningful ways you can help protect koalas.

Your donation goes straight to critical conservation efforts, like preserving koala habitats, funding research to understand and combat the diseases affecting them and advocating for stronger legal protections.

Every contribution, no matter the size, plays a part in ensuring that koalas have a safe future. Plus, when you donate, you’re not just giving money—you’re actively supporting a cause that works tirelessly to keep koalas thriving in the wild. It’s a simple but powerful way to make a lasting impact, allowing the legacy of koalas to live on.

5. Spread Awareness and Share on Social Media

Spreading awareness about koalas on social media is an easy and fun way to get involved this Save the Koala Day!

By sharing facts, photos, and stories about these adorable creatures, you can help educate your friends and family about the challenges they face and the importance of conservation. Use hashtags like #SaveTheKoalas or #KoalaDay to join a larger conversation and inspire others to take action.

You might be surprised at how much impact your posts can have—one share could spark someone else’s passion for koala protection! Whether it’s a heartfelt post about why koalas matter or an update on conservation efforts, your voice matters. Remember that every share counts, and together, we can create a wave of support that helps ensure a brighter future for koalas everywhere!

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